BrahMos Missile

BrahMos Missile
  • The Indian Air Force successfully test-fired the extended range version of BrahMos air launched missile against a ship target from a SU-30MKI aircraft .

“The missile achieved the desired mission objectives in the Bay of Bengal region. With this, IAF has achieved a significant capability boost to carry out precision strikes from SU-30MKI aircraft against land or sea targets over very long ranges.
The successful test firing was a joint effort by the Air Force, Indian Navy, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), and the BrahMos Aerospace (BAPL).
The current air-launched missile weighs 2.65 tonnes, which will come down to 1.33 tonnes with the BrahMos-NG (Next Generation) that is under development. With this, a SU-30MKI will be able to carry up to four BrahMos-NG missiles, while the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) will be able to carry two missiles.
The extended range capability of the missile coupled with the high performance of the SU-30MKI aircraft gives the IAF a strategic reach and allows it to dominate the future battlefields.”

Extended Range

The Extended Range Version which is said to have capability of striking the targets located at around 350 kilometre compared to around 290 kilometre for the initial version.


The extended range of BrahMos missiles is believed to have the ability to take out targets in the sea 400 km away.

About this Missile:

BrahMos Aerospace is an Indo-Russian joint venture between the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Russia’s NPO Mashinostroyeniya which produces supersonic cruise missiles. The missiles can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft or land platforms.  


The missile derives its name from Brahmaputra and Moskva rivers. 


A BrahMos missile travels at a speed of 2.8 Mach or almost thrice the speed of sound.


The first test launch of the initial version Brahmos took place in 2001. 


Source : The Hindu, Indian Express 


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