In today’s scenario, we see that there are many elements in this world that lose our focus in our studies. Be it your friends, girlfriend/ boyfriend or maybe your relatives, if it’s about your studies, never ever lose your focus in your studies due to them. Here’s some important discussion that will help you focus more on studies.
Every Sunday I, Ankit Avasthi organise Sunday Warta session on my YouTube Channel, Ankit Inspires India. Many of my students and friends come live so that we can have live discussion there. A number of students who come live to talk to me on my channel have different kinds of problems they are facing in their lives. It is one of their major problems that they cannot focus on their studies due to the calls from their friends or gf/ bf.
In this article, you will learn how you can solve this problem. First of all, I recommend you to read this article completely to know how exactly you will be able to find the best solution to this issue.

Make them Understood Your Goal & Your Responsibilities
If anybody who is in friendship with you, wants your benefit, will surely understand it. You just once tell them how much your study is important for you. Your success will not only nourish you but in many other ways will nourish them too. If they really care about you, they will understand it and instead of putting you in trouble, they will help you get your career goal.
Make Sure They Are Your True Friends or Not?
It is said that, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’. Yes, it’s a universal truth. Anybody who claims that he/ she is your friend, will never get upset due to your studies. Even if someone wants to pass their time with you on calls and messages, it’s your turn to leave them. The first thing you should keep on priorities is your goal. Keep in mind, this is your ultimate goal. If they are not true, it’s better they leave.
I’m sure this helps you with your emotional problems. Even if you’re some problems, comment your issue below. I will try to give you a reply within 24 hours.
My boyfriend is CA student and Im a CMA student. He knows when are my exams and I told him that as I study during week days we will speak during weekends.but he seems to forget or not take it seriously he messages me during week days almost all time during the day which doest not enable me to carry on my studies as planned.when I mention to him he feels that i dont have time for him and im selfish about my career.I told him that we both have to focus on our career to be together in life but he does not understand the importance of what I say.